Logistics services and 4 safety measures when transporting overloaded cargo

02/06/2022 13:42

Overloaded/oversized cargo is a prevalent problem in logistics services, requiring service providers to have methods to protect the cargo and human safety. However, sometimes incidents still happen and create severe consequences for two parties. Therefore, this article will provide readers with four safety measures when transporting overloaded/oversized cargo. Hopefully, the logistics services providers will have more solutions to handle incidents.

Safety measures for transportation 

Heavy equipment transport is a step that is affected by many factors. They are weather conditions, technical conditions, and accidents. Therefore, the service provider should have a backup plan for all of them to protect the cargo.

Specifically, with the weather condition, the service provider should research the weather forecast carefully to propose suitable dates. Depending on this data, the service provider will help clients reduce risks and costs. In addition, the service provider should delay the transportation to protect the cargo in some instances. For example, when the wind speed is over 10.81m/s, the vision is below 100m, the danger of thunder is 30%, and the transportation must be stopped for safety.

When the wind speed is over 10.81m/s, the vision is below 100m, the danger of thunder is 30%, and the transportation must be stopped for safety

Moreover, technical risks also happen, but they are easier to handle. The service provider should check all system components before the transportation starts, including cables, weights, containers, etc. If anything is out of order, it must be replaced immediately. Besides, people in charge of transportation should be trained carefully about risks and how to handle them. Thanks to this, they will fix errors fast and reduce damages for the company and clients.

Safety measures for loading and unloading of logistics services

When the shipping container weight finishes, loading and unloading is the next step. This step may not have as many risks as transportation, but they are still potential. Therefore, the service provider should not be subjective if the goods are landed. One of the most popular methods is checking the equipment's technical condition. It is imperative because the goods will be damaged if any technical risk happens, and the company has to repay the clients. In particular, after this process, the clients will receive goods, so no companies want unexpected incidents to happen. Therefore, service providers should take care in loading and unloading goods in accordance with container weight limits.

Checking the technical condition of the equipment to make sure the goods are not damaged, avoiding the customer’s compensation 

Besides, the service provider should assign experienced operators to monitor this process. They will help the company check all safety standards and prevent overweight container trucking from any damage.

Safety for workers

Apart from safety for goods, safety for workers is also paramount. Any service provider should have a policy for this issue and require all workers to comply. This policy will include essential equipment for staff, safety regulations, and some standards for promotion (e.g., study to improve level). The service provider should force all workers to study this policy to reduce risks related to workers.

Workers in the logistic & supply chain understand risks, and they are willing to comply with any regulations to protect themselves. However, in unexpected accidents, the service provider should draft fiction concepts and propose ideas for workers to help themselves. In addition, the service provider also needs to request partners to comply with safety regulations. Moreover, they should provide workers with suitable tools to load or unload cargo to make it smooth.

Workers in the logistic & supply chain understand risks, and they are willing to comply with any regulations to protect themselves

Safety in terms of fire prevention and environmental sanitation

Fire prevention is a primary mission of a logistics services provider. If a fire happens, it is hard for the company to fix it, and compensation is unavoidable. Besides, it also negatively affects the company's image. Although the risk of fire is the potential to happen, all service providers should have methods to stop it immediately before all goods are burned out. The best measure for this case is to comply with the safe use of explosives, control heat sources, and equip fire extinguishers. They are simple, but they can prevent the company from paying colossal compensation.

The best measure for this case is to comply with the safe use of explosives, control heat sources, and equip fire extinguishers

Furthermore, environmental sanitation is another standard when transporting overloaded/oversized cargo. With this standard, the company should try to calculate environmental parameters. Based on this, the company will have a transportation plan to meet the demand for environmental sanitation.

NEXUS LOGISTICS is the leading overweight cargo company in Vietnam

The logistics field is developing fast in Vietnam, and many service providers have been founded. Nexus Logistics is one of the best logistics services providers with a long experience in transportation services, installation of goods, and heavy equipment transport. Thanks to this, Nexus Logistics can meet all demands of clients and guarantee goods are landed safely. 

In terms of overweight container trucking or shipping container weight, Nexus Logistics knows how to prevent risks to protect goods and workers. It is the best way to protect the company's image, save costs for clients, and make the logistics & supply chain smooth.

If clients want to know other problems related to container weight limits, Nexus Logistics will provide free consultancy and propose feasible plans for transportation.

☎️Please contact Hotline Nexus Logistics if you have any questions.

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